Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Like a Fat Cat

Like a Tiger, I waited. Sure, I was tense but, hey, I’m a tiger. The biggest, bad ass in the jungle. It’s natural to be nervous before every pounce. It uses a lot of energy to stalk and catch prey and every missed opportunity costs me physically. That’s why I like to go in for the sure thing. I’ve done the whole “stalk of lot of little game” crap. You know the argument; catch multiple little animals and they add up in the long run. You don’t get too much invested chasing rabbits and sloths but you don’t get much of a reward either. A few pounds of meat mixed in with some musty fur. To top it off, every once in a while, you run into a skunk that just came out of a mud patch with its strip camouflaged like that one time Pepe Lepeu walked under the painter who dripped black paint on his back. Well, that fooled that she-cat but all she had to put up with was a malodorous Frenchman. For me, it has proven to be the end of the day too many a time as I have to go take a tomato bath.

So now, I wait for the big game, the sure thing. It’s fun being the fat, lazy cat sitting around in the sun, waiting for some dumb poacher to stumble into my area. Every once in awhile, I get tricked by one of those backward mask wearing bastards, but I’ve learned my lesson there and usually am able just to eat them up too. Some might find it a boring life, lounging inactively for so long, but, for me, the moments of impact are higher for the patience. The look in that dumb schmuck’s eyes as I drop from the branch above is worth a month’s worth of lemur. Oh, I eat pretty well living like this.

Every once in awhile though, the schmuck turns it around. Maybe it’s a poacher with a slightly keener sense than most, able to calculate the odds of there being a hidden tiger in the jungle. Maybe that rustling isn’t a fat-ass sloth but rather a cunning wild boar with tusks about . . . that can leap about . . .

Sometimes though, it’s not a schmuck or a boar. Sometimes it's just a blogger who wandered into the Jungle, thinking they were in the Congo knowing that there are no tigers there, but actually being in east Asia through the mistake of a particularly inept travel agent. They are the most dangerous of foe and I have succumbed yet again.

Holding KK a few hours into the MATH and sitting in mid-late position, Kajagugu raised 3.5X to 700. Not wanting to get involved in a multi-way pot, I triple his bet, leaving less than T800 behind. It was a conscious decision meant to impart strength in the hopes it would be read as weakness. (Does that even make sense?) It seems to have worked as Kaja called with 77. I assume he put me on AK here and was willing to get his chips in ahead. Seems reasonable to me. He also had more chips in his stack and would have been alive if he hadn’t hit a 7 on the flop. I love poker. At least he won the whole thing. Nice job!


KajaPoker said...

That's exactly what I put you on. I was a little confused as to why you left 800 behind. It seemed to me that you were trying to signal that you were strong, but trying to look weak. SO I put you on AK and was willing to race for it.

Glad to know I'm just a wandering blogger and not some jungle schmuck. LOL. Good stuff.

RaisingCayne said...

Great post! I love the prose!

GG in the MATH!!! And GL finding your way into the TOC!

lightning36 said...

Kaja has been hot. I am waiting for him to cool off before I mess too much with him ...